What Else? A Comedy Show about the Solidarity Economy (new date!)

Maker's Ensemble 13 Grattan St. #408, Brooklyn, NY, United States

*NOTE: Postponed from original Feb. 1 date!* What Else? is a series of co-created solidarity economy themed comedy shows. the shows will hold a practice of shared laughter as we answer the questions: what can the solidarity economy offer us, after and instead of capitalism, humorously, breathfully? how can humor make the solidarity economy compelling, inviting, appealing? what's funny and beautiful about it?

Film Premiere of Please Hold at The Parkside Lounge

Parkside Lounge 317 E Houston St., New York, NY, United States

Activist mediamaker, scholar, writer, and Distinguished Professor of Film, CUNY, Alexandra Juhasz, announces the premiere of her latest experimental documentary, Please Hold (70 mins, 2024). Co-sponsored by the MIX Experimental Film Festival and Visual AIDS, emceed by “High-Profile NYC Drag Queen!” Linda Simpson, with a live performance by CHRISTEENE.


Online Premier: Please Hold

Virtual See event for details

How do neighborhoods, sweaters and scarves, videotapes and queer bars hold ghosts? How do we let them go? In this 2-hour webinar, we will introduce the panel and the video, screen it together (70 mins), and then the panel of "AIDS workers" who are authors or editors from the collection "AIDS and the Distribution of Crises" (Duke University Press, 2020) will discuss their reaction, feelings and questions.

Freedom Zines

CTHQ 59 E 4th St, Floor 7, New York, NY, United States

This zine-making workshop introduces participants to the pedagogical and political legacies of freedom schools in the Sea Islands and in rural Mississippi in the mid-20th century and asks them to craft writing that speaks to that legacy.

What Else? A Comedy Show about the Solidarity Economy

Maker's Ensemble 13 Grattan St. #408, Brooklyn, NY, United States

What Else? is a series of co-created solidarity economy themed comedy shows. the shows will hold a practice of shared laughter as we answer the questions: what can the solidarity economy offer us, after and instead of capitalism, humorously, breathfully? how can humor make the solidarity economy compelling, inviting, appealing? what's funny and beautiful about it?

What Else? A Comedy Show about the Solidarity Economy

Maker's Ensemble 13 Grattan St. #408, Brooklyn, NY, United States

What Else? is a series of co-created solidarity economy themed comedy shows. the shows will hold a practice of shared laughter as we answer the questions: what can the solidarity economy offer us, after and instead of capitalism, humorously, breathfully? how can humor make the solidarity economy compelling, inviting, appealing? what's funny and beautiful about it?